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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

Scotty Roberts on The Exodus Reality - November 30, 2013

Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

This night we will be talking to Scotty Roberts about his new book, co-authored with John Ward, The Exodus Reality. In this groundbreaking work, the authors reexamine humanity’s most enduring account of bondage, emancipation, and freedom. The Great Exodus is the story of how one man, empowered by divine epiphany, brought the mighty ancient kingdom of Egypt to its knees. The authors present two opposing, yet strangely interlaced historical accounts for the Exodus, naming the historical pharaohs and surprising candidates for the historical Moses. We discuss Scotty's theory, and we will have John on at the end of December to discuss his view. Visit Scotty's website at

The authors will also be doing a 2 week tour of Egypt in February...
SCOTT ALAN ROBERTS is a man of diverse interests and a fairly eclectic background. He is Founder and Publisher of INTREPID Magazine, a monthly journal focusing on Politics, Science, Culture, Conspiracy Theories and Unexplained Phenomena. He is the Founder of the Paradigm Symposium. He is an accomplished writer, public speaker, illustrator, historian, designer, theologian and stand up philosopher. Of Scot/Welsh descent, he was raised in an agnostic Christian home, with a communistic Jewish grandfather and a Ukrainian Orthodox stepfather and was mentored by an old stonemason throughout his early teen years. He attended Bible College and entered his Masters of Divinity program in theological seminary in a very conservative, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian academic setting. He joined the United States Marine Corp and eventually entered the ministry as a youth pastor. All of this was to prep him for the next thirty years, which he spent in advertising and publishing. Scotty’s first pieces of published artwork appeared on a plethora of dust jacket and cover designs for a small, Minneapolis‐based theological book publisher in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
In and throughout his career, he has been involved in theatre and stage drama, and did a stint as a royal character at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, which lasted over fifteen years. Scotty attributes much of his stage presence and public speaking abilities to his years of interactive street theatre at the festival.
During a subsequent period of working in various ad agencies throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Scotty authored and illustrated a series of graphic novels, The Bloodlore Chronicles.
During the 1990s, Scotty owned The Uptown Marketing Group, a small advertising and marketing studio in the Minneapolis area. During this time he authored a number of newsletters and advertising campaigns, as well as servicing a list of illustration and design clientele.
Scotty is the author and illustrator of The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O’Hare (2007), an illustrated novel originally intended for 8‐14‐year‐old readers, but which found its greater readership with the college‐aged audience and older. He has also authored for New Page Books, The Rise and Fall of the Nephilm (2012) and The Secret History of the Reptilians (2013).
Scotty has written articles for TAPS ParaMagazine (the official publication of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters) and went on to become their Editor‐In‐Chief during 2009 and 2010.
He is a talented public speaker, and has been a featured lecturer with TAPS and Beyond Reality Events, as well as various other paranormal events between 2007 and 2012.
He is father to five children, and lives with his wife and family in rural Wisconsin. Being a native Minnesotan, Scotty considers himself a ‘stranger in a strange land’ filled with Green Bay Packers fans.

Aaron J Gulyas - The Chaos Conundrum - December 7, 2013



Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

Aaron J Gulyas discusses his latest book, The Chaos Conundrum. In "The Chaos Conundrum," historian Aaron John Gulyas examines how the paranormal has intersected and influenced our culture in myriad ways, from the conspiracy beliefs of William Cooper and Exopolitics to the challenge that the stories of Gray Barker presented to our concept of self and time. He looks at the maelstrom of personalities, agendas, impressions, data, confusion, and contradictions that can be found in the world of the weird, and demonstrates how they have become an integral part of our lives, whether in the form of flying saucers, hauntings, religious revelations, psychic abilities, or dozens of other guises. Gulyas delves into the stories of the people who have attempted to create order out of the chaos. Along the way he recounts his own journey from enthusiastic believer in the "shadow government" and their underground bases to jaded academic skeptic, and then finally to someone who thinks there might just be something to the paranormal after all... but not what we have been led to expect or believe!
A teacher, historian, and writer (generally in that order), Gulyas received his BA in History from Hanover College in 1998 and promptly went to work for the state of Indiana assessing disability insurance claims. Wearing out his welcome in the civil service within a year or so, he shifted to the thrilling world of proofreading. Realizing he was only really good at history, he returned to school and was awarded an MA in United States History from Indiana University-Indianapolis in 2003. He then moved into teaching, eventually landing at Mott Community College, where he has taught since 2006.
Gulyas's first book, Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist: Contact Tales since the 1950s was published in May 2013 by McFarland Books. His newest book is The Chaos Conundrum, a collection of essays on the paranormal, religion, spirituality, an the atemporal, published by Redstar Books. In Fandom's Shadow, a 50th anniversary retrospective of Doctor Who, Fandom, and its relationship to geography and time, was published in September, 2013 by Deserted Moon Press.
He contributed the introduction to Posthuman Blues: Dispatches From a World on the Cusp of Terminal Dissolution, a collection of writings by the late Mac Tonnies edited by Paul Kimball.
You can find more by Aaron at his website: or follow him on Facebook

Gregory Sams - Sun of gOd and The State is out of Date - December 14, 2013



Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

We speak this night with Gregory Sams. Gregory's book is entitled Sun of gOd, and we discuss the idea of consciousness and what it really means. Does it really make sense that our 13.7 billion year-old universe waited 13.698 billion years before anything in it developed what we call ‘consciousness’? And that the experience was restricted to humans?
Sun of gOd is a radical re-think of our Sun, our universe and what it means to be alive. Using scientific ideas and bringing them to their logical philosophical conclusions, Gregory Sams proposes that our Sun itself is conscious, living and fully aware of its place in the universe. Furthermore, our Sun communicates with other stars, and with us, in ways which mirror our own communities and even the way in which our own brains function.
According to Gregory Sams, ‘Creative intelligence is a ‘bottom-up’ system in which everything, from molecules of water, to neurons in our brain to the Sun itself is working together to gently steer and organize our universe. For humans, the Sun is the center of our lives, a fact that the ancient Sumerians, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Inca, Aztec, Celts and Native Americans all realized, but we do not understand today. For all intents and purposes, the Sun is our God.’
Gregory Sams has been bringing novel concepts to the culture since the age of 19, when, in 1967, he and brother Craig introduced organic and natural foods to the UK marketplace. After 15 years of catering, Seed magazine, Ceres Grain Store & Bakery, Harmony & Whole Earth Foods, in 1982 Gregory conceived and christened the original VegeBurger, creating a marketplace for vegetarian food. Leaving food for fractals in 1990, he opened Strange Attractions, the world's only shop dedicated to chaos theory. This new science underpinned his first book, Uncommon Sense, the State is Out of Date, which is not about politics, but about not politics. His book, Sun of gOd, Discover the Self-Organizing Principle that Underlies Everything, re-introduces us to our local star, the most revered deity in history.
For more on the book;
For more on Gregory;

Mike Clelland - Owls and the UFO Phenomenon - December 21, 2013



Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

We speak with Mike Clelland about his research on strange owl encounters and the UFO phenomenon. He has been collecting stories and doing research on the strange connections in preparation for an upcoming book. We also speak to him a bit about his own personal experiences, which are fascinating.
You can find some of what we will be talking about on his blog; You can also read the long form essay he has on the owl phenomenon here.
Mike, in his own words... "I was born in 1962 in the suburbs of Detroit. Even during my pre-kindergarten years I was a skilled illustrator, and most of what I would draw was goofy and cartoony. Curiously, the stuff I would draw in elementary school looks a lot like my drawing style now.
I was deeply influenced by MAD magazine, and that is still evident in my work today. I need to thank Mort Drucker, Sergio Aregones and Jack Davis for shaping my style. I also need to thank R. Crumb, who I discovered a little bit later in life.
In 1981 I moved to New York City, where I went to NYU Film School for one year. I was all too aware that I was a lousy student, and I dropped out and began working as a free-lance illustrator and art director for advertising agencies.
In the winter of 1986/87 I spent the season as a ski bum in Jackson Hole Wyoming. This experience would make it very difficult to fully embrace my urban career when I returned to New York. I eventually moved out west permanently in 1991, and this move paralleled the advent of the fax machine and Federal Express. These revolutionary tools allowed me to do illustration work anywhere I wanted, and I was still dealing with clients back in The City. All of this became much easier with the internet.
Once out west I began doing book illustrations and teaching for an outdoor school.
It was around 2005 or so when I felt a sort of oppressive need to look into some odd life events, stories and memories that I had denied had any importance. Little by little I realized that I simply could no longer ignore those memories and their implications.
The catalyzing event was a profoundly strange synchronicity involving a bottle of sunblock. From that point on, it felt like the floodgates were opened up.
Let me also add that the initial years of my self exploration have not been easy. The act of trying to peer into my own unknown life events has been enormously challenging. I became a shaky recluse, locked in a spiraling tape loop of insecurity and self-doubt. Presently, things have been a little less difficult, but it's by no means easy. The act of digging like this is no simple undertaking, it’s been hard work. The truth for me is that I simply have to go down this road, no matter what the consequences. It seems I am being pulled ever forward by some unknown force. This might be my own higher self, or it might be something interacting with me from outside my being, I truly don’t know. What I do know is that this new chapter of my life has been profoundly interesting."
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